Make an immediate impact on teachers and students during COVID. A second screen lets teachers see their students on one screen and lesson plans on the other. 74% of our teachers are at low-income schools.

Why Two Screens?

Teachers and students are struggling during COVID. Teachers are calling two screens a “game changer” and it costs less than $5 per student.

“Teachers reported feeling nearly twice as connected to their students after receiving and using a second monitor.” — University of Washington Impact Evaluation


“Second monitors are lifesavers. Imagine teaching 24 students and juggling lesson plans on a 13 inch laptop screen.”

— Mr. Stowell, Principal, Greenwood Elementary, Seattle WA

Teachers Are Waiting

In the last 100 days, donors like you have given 24,000 monitors to teachers — including all of Seattle and San Francisco public schools (TechCrunch).

But with the COVID winter upon us, our waitlist has spiked to almost 180,000 teachers, 74% at low-income schools serving communities disproportionately impacted by COVID.

Teacher Requests for Monitors

Teacher Requests for Monitors

Donors Stepping Up

The majority of screens are funded through the generosity of our large donors. Become a donor.




Ron Conway - Biz Stone - Glenn Kelman - Patty Stonesifer - Shel Kaphan - David Beitel


Tim O’Reilly - Ev Williams - Rich and Sarah Barton - Jodi Green - Sandor Strauss - Pathable - Scott Peyree - Rob Peyree - John Anderson - Steve Kemler - Adam Wiener

Teacher Endorsements

“Life Changing! Seriously.”

— Ms. Hochstatte, Sumner High School, Sumner, WA

“I’m crying happy tears right now!”

— Ms. Wooley, Norfolk Technical High School, Norfolk, VA

“Total game changer!”
— Ms. Beck, Sand Point Elementary, Seattle, WA

“This gift completely changes the way I teach.”

— Ms. Waddell, Nansemond Elementary School, Suffolk, VA

Featured In

Two Screens for Teachers is #1 on GeekWire’s list of good things that happened in 2020.