Teachers deserve two screens.
These are unprecedented times for teachers going back to school. Most K-12 teachers are teaching classes online with only a laptop. The simple addition of a second screen allows them to see their students’ faces on one screen and their lesson plans on the other.
During these complicated times, here’s a simple thing you can do right now. For $150 you can send a second monitor to a teacher to show them your gratitude and support.
Why two screens?
With an extra screen, teachers see more students’ faces when they teach online.
A second screen can improve online productivity 20-30% (NYTimes).
“There’s so much anxiety right now. I’m a professional teacher not a techie.
I’m trying to make ‘eye contact’ and learn new names and faces on my little laptop screen.”
— Ms. Lotton-Barker, Southwest Middle School, Lawrence, KS
How it works
Teachers: Fill out a form and we’ll match you with a donor. The donor will buy you a free 23” monitor. We’ll help you pick the right video cable.
Donors: Fill out a form and we’ll match you with a teacher. A 23” monitor costs about $150. You’ll have it shipped to the teacher’s school.
Read our frequently asked questions
“It’s transformative to go from one to two screens.”
— Mr. Brown, Cascadia Elementary, Seattle, WA
“Now that we’re teaching online because of COVID, second monitors are lifesavers. Imagine trying to run a Zoom call, a presentation, and a learning management system simultaneously on a 13” laptop screen.
If you have the means, please buy a second screen for a teacher. And please support increased funding for K-12 education so that teachers always have the tools they need to do their jobs professionally.”
— Deborah Lowe, Principal - Humanitas Academy of Art and Technology, a Los Angeles public school.
Mr. Oropeza
“There is no way I could have finished out the Spring semester with one monitor so this will be invaluable assistance for other teachers.”
Maple Elementary - Seattle, WA
Mr. Carter
“Just got my monitor from Two Screens for Teachers. It’s huge to have Zoom open on one monitor and slides on the other. Tell a friend!”
Oakland High - Oakland, CA
Ms. Blackman
“I can’t wait to get my new monitor. The monitor will be easier on my eyes and I won’t have to hunch over to see my laptop.”
W. Gormley Elementary - Santa Fe, NM