How it works
The teacher requests a monitor
The teacher fills out a form that includes their name, school email address, school or home mailing address and whether the majority of their students are on free or reduced price lunches.
We help the teacher pick the right video cable to connect the monitor to their computer.
Only K-12 public school teachers in the United States are currently eligible for a free monitor.
The donor offers to buy a monitor
The donor fills out a form that includes their email address, name, and city and state.
Note: If the donor prefers to donate cash (e.g. they want to make a larger donation or don’t have time to order the teacher a monitor), we ask them to fill out our cash donation form.
The teacher and donor are matched
We match teachers and donors taking into account whether the donor prefers to help a specific teacher, or a teacher in their city/state, and/or a teacher at a low-income school.
When we have a match, we send an email to both the teacher and the donor that includes all of the purchasing instructions and includes a link to the monitor and correct video cable on
The teacher replies to the match email to confirm their school email address. We ask the donor to verify the school’s address or email domain by Googling it. This prevents bad actors from trying to get a free monitor.
We survey the teacher after they are matched with a donor to verify that the monitor arrived.
You might also want to read our frequently asked questions.