How it works

Teacher requests a monitor

  • The teacher fills out a Google Form that includes their full name, school email address, school mailing address.

  • We help the teacher pick the right video cable to connect the monitor to their computer (see picture below).

  • Only K-12 public school teachers in the United States are currently eligible for a free monitor.

Donor offers to buy a monitor

  • The donor fills out a Google Form that includes their email address, full name, and city and state.

  • Note: If the donor prefers to donate cash (they want to make a larger donation or don’t have time to order the teacher a monitor), we ask them to fill out a different Google Form so that we can contact them when we have a fiscal sponsor that allows us to accept tax-deductible donations.

Purchasing the Monitor

  • We match teachers and donors on a first come, first served basis.

  • When we have a match, we send an email to both the teacher and the donor that includes all of purchasing instructions and includes a link to the monitor and correct video cable on

  • We ask the donor to verify the school’s address by Googling it. This prevents bad actors from trying to get a free monitor.

  • We survey the teacher one week after they are matched with a donor to verify that the monitor arrived.

Future features

  • We’d like the ability for donors to:

    • Be matched with teachers near me.

    • Help teachers at low-income schools.

    • Support for more countries.

  • Please send any other requests to

You might also want to read our frequently asked questions.