Announcing $2 Million in Total Funding, Purchasing 20,000 Monitors for Teachers

Today we’re announcing Two Screens for Teachers has raised more than $2 million in total funding. We’re purchasing 20,000 monitors for teachers which will help almost 500,000 students.

But… we have a much larger goal to deliver 250,000 monitors to teachers by the end of the year. It’s hard to make a big impact without a big goal — and we need your support to get there.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. We need the help of foundations, large donors, and corporate partners

  2. If you can spare $115, we’re asking you to buy a teacher a monitor.

  3. Please spread the word to other potential donors and teachers.

Thank you for your support!


Announcing our Thanksgiving Giveaway Contest Winners


Two Screens for All Seattle Public School Teachers